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IFP Insights

Introduction to Tax-Loss Harvesting Thumbnail

Introduction to Tax-Loss Harvesting

Tax-loss harvesting is a process that involves deliberately selling securities at a loss in order to offset your earnings from other securities, thereby potentially reducing your tax burden. In other words, if you have an investment that’s lost value, you can sell it and deduct the value of that loss from the gains you realize elsewhere. That deduction lowers your total taxable income for the year, which may result in tax savings.

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Common Pitfalls in Retirement Thumbnail

Common Pitfalls in Retirement

Taxes may be an inevitability but there are ways you can reduce your total tax obligation by planning proactively. For instance, a Roth IRA may allow you to make tax-free withdrawals during retirement and you can roll funds into a Roth from your tax-deferred retirement accounts.

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Think Flood Safety this Spring Thumbnail

Think Flood Safety this Spring

Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters that are especially prevalent in the spring. Last year alone, excessive rainfall brought flooding to many locations, making it the second deadliest year for flooding in the past five years.

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10 Things To Consider in the Retirement Red Zone Thumbnail

10 Things To Consider in the Retirement Red Zone

Financial experts have nicknamed the five years before retirement and the five years after it the “retirement red zone.” Here, the far-off concept of retirement has become a reality. Rather than looking to maximize growth, you’re ready to scale down your portfolio to maintain a steady stream of income.

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